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  • Writer's pictureSaurik Shah

Photography Credits: Life!

What started off as a small-time love affair in college turned into a lifelong marriage soon after. Little did I know that shooting friends (pun intended) at college events and small photography projects of acquaintances would become a passion that I would breathe each day.

As a beginner, I would feel an adrenaline rush every time I held the camera. But I soon realized that being passionate is one thing but doing well is quite another.

I had to learn the technicalities of lights, angle and colour. And a crucial learning at that juncture was this: Photography doesn't just end after clicking an awe-inspiring photo, it continues further into an excellent post photography work so that the prints convey the exact message as the original photo did in one's camera.

So, I enrolled in Shari Academy of Professional Photography for a Master Craftsman Diploma in Photography and Digital Imaging. Expert faculty members, a large array of resource material and like-minded, madly-in-love-with-photography classmates made for an enriching two-year full-time course!

I picked up projects after passing out in 2015 with a renewed feeling of confidence and a good grasp over the technical aspects.

But that was not enough.I realized that it’s not enough to know the technical part, a professional photographer faces constraints and challenges that a student of photography at a school doesn't! It sounds obvious now but didn’t seem that obvious to me back then!

It takes more than good photography to match client expectations. Doing your best with their optimized budgets, making sure the product looks embellished and aesthetic using creative props and ensuring excellence in post photography work - these are the real time challenges.

With an array of projects in the table top photography covering food, cosmetics, stationery, jewellery and industrial products; I have only seen my clients happy and satisfied with the work. And the key has always been this - ensuring a hassle-free process for the client.

I do everything possible right from giving mood boards to fit budgets, have in-house aesthetic props and do the post photography work myself! And that has and is making a real difference!

From being a complete novice to winning awards for Best Food Photography(2013) and Best Product Photography (2014) at Luxoculous, Mumbai Majhi Metro photo contest (2016) and Creative Photography People ( 2016 ) award my journey has been quite fulfilling. But, that’s still not enough!

Even today, there are new challenges and new opportunities that I keep unlocking. The diversity of projects, people and products bring fascination and learning each day. I am reminded here of what Steve Jobs said to the students at the Convocation Ceremony at Standford University in 2014. At the end of his speech, he recollected a quotation at the back of a book he had read and it said ‘Stay hungry, stay foolish’!

I wish to spread the passion of photography to all those keen eyes wanting to capture beauty for eternity. Staying hungry and staying foolish through photography needs one to unravel some hidden mysteries and tricks. So, what’s the wait for? Let’s get our cameras rolling!


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